Pay me skull-services- get back money owed lent out and promised to you/ get into their head and influence them / manipulate and get them to feel guilty for owing you- Heavy skull service
My pay me service is great for getting money you feel your entitled to.
Work and business , inheritance, law suits , money loaned etc. it’s your money, get it back now.
Anything Financially can be worked
if you are owe a few thousands you can have this worked
is you are owed $10k and up contact me to request possibly having setting skulls in runs to keep work active over them for a high amount like that
My skull service is done worked for about 9-12 days. some work can be longer or shorter , each day for a few hours i will hover over the mind of whom owes you, who you want to enforce a payment plan, full payment and to admit to fully owing you To manipulate/ compel and get back half, some or full amounts. All work results will vary, it’s best you get a reading prior to any spell work
. 3/5 pics is sent after the service is completed and a report which is created using candle ceromacy divination. Reading the flame, wick and wax .
Full name , phot and dob and any information for the person the skull is for . All details should be left in the notes sections .
work is done with 21-30 weeks , all my services are scheduled and the skull is handemade by me and worked to manipulate your target . A altar will be set then worked once available
Prayed over with fresh herbs and flowers .