✨(Chimes)John the conqueror group Service- power strength domination conqueror all things and defeating all - work home relationships be empowered with a mass of energy to gain what you want and need with full energy
John the conqueror group Service- power strength domination conqueror all things and defeating all - work home relationships be empowered with a mass of energy to gain what you want and need with full energy
Stronger work ethics
Better business
gaining a new home
buying a new car
long lasting goals
moving forward after defeat you want to conquer over all things in your path then this service is for you
you want strength to make better decisions and conquering mental issues and emotional situations that have let you down in the past
then this is for you
defeat college
programs / certifications & all things in your way
John the conqueror is for you
1- name per candle
Thanks for looking