Uncrossing Service- remove corses hexes and jinxes mentally physically and emotionally blocking you and creating hard times mentally - Majicden

Uncrossing Service(heavy)- remove curses hexes and jinxes mentally physically and emotionally blocking you and creating hard times mentally

  • $600.00

My 7day skull services was created to help remove that nasty burden sitting in your head, plaguing your body and soul .releasing and removing all things crossing you up, helps relive that heavy spell work affecting your thoughts mental state of mind and physical.remove hexes jinxes curses ,clear up those blocks and helps you feel unchained and free from  that nasty witchcraft!

skull can burn  shorter times or even up to 12-14 hours total completion . 

To clear away and finally remove the crossed up thoughts  that have troubled you for way to long . Uncrossing all the negative, evil, wicked and un-pureness that has followed you , that has created nothing but the worse . Leaving you with indecisive thoughts, lost of energy, feeling of heavy depression out of nowhere.

All this is sometimes caused by the enemies that have worked your mind you be lost, leaving your body disconnected from itself and cursing your head to feel moments of disgust and confusion. My service will clear this up and push it out .uncrossing you from there influence , control and manipulation 

Along with a 7/13 herbal bath that is heavily recommend alongside this service , you will regain ease within your thoughts and yourself . Clearing away all negativity and bringing you back to being you. Finally a free thought with a clear decision and back on track to living your life .

Emergency services are created within 72 hours
Please choose emergency services fee in order to fulfill this as well as email me prior to see if emergency service can be started .

Please Leave all details below in the notes and you can email me the photo after purchase. Name , dob and any other details should be included.

All service are scheduled typically within 21 -30 business days, days and or moon phases will determine this scheduling .

You will be notified on the day your service is started with a start email and photo of the work once it has been started.

A report and 3-5 photos will be emailed . The report will give details as to how the work went , I will read the flame, wax , smoke and you will receive a detailed report as to what to expect with the burn results .
Reports are emailed 7-10 days after due to heavy volume.

Please leave your full names, dob and details in the notes

Photos can be emailed to

Stay Blessed

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