Coyote claws- Protected Majic/ defensive / keep enemies back/ keep unwanted energy away
This is for 1 claw 1/2 “
use in protective or defensive rituals
blessed dressed and prayed over
best in bottle spells and with black vinegar
sold as curio
✨Majicden - Majical Spiritual Witchcraft Witchy Supplies/ Handmade oils/Handmade Candles/ Cleansing/ Love /Money/ Uncrossing & Protection Rootwork / Mojo bags / Amulets/ Protection Jewelry/Fresh Herbs & Roots / Rituals /Spells/Conjure/ Hoodoo /Majic/Metaphysical shop✨
This is for 1 claw 1/2 “
use in protective or defensive rituals
blessed dressed and prayed over
best in bottle spells and with black vinegar
sold as curio