Coerced oil- when you need to make them do what you want with no questions asked , use to force, manipulating situation, to get action over a cause that was denied
When you need to coerce a person it goes behind and above influence
you no longer care how they do it as long as it get done when you say and how you call it
this oil is to force them to do exactly what’s needed
no holes between
no questions
with influence you manipulate their mind to agreeing and doing what’s needed nicely
not with this oil
use it with purple candle and skulls
with as i say candles
and with manipulation herbs and powder
No games will be played
get the money owed
get the promise made complete
change minds if bosses and officials trying to control you
get those who have denied you or said no to feel the force and do what’s needed now
work daily
make sure your cleanse and keep your head protected
power up your bracelets because your hands will need all the strength power and all needed to coercive the mind of those who try to play you