✨✨Solomon Seal Sweet Success - Sugar and spice and everything nice . Made with sweet spirit syrup , sugars , roots , sweet herbs , pyrites lodestones and lots of Solomon Seal ✨Enhance yourself spiritually and recoup your energy
Welcome to Aprils Solomon seal success jar
worked 2x a week per petition ordered
1 session each week will cover 2 prayers over you 2x a week
8 Prayer each month
This ritual entails a huge sweet jar to enhance your success
success at work
success at school
success in business
Success in better relationships / friendships works relations
Success overall in all things you do and touch
make sure your doing baths while this is set
i will be working it 2 sessions each week
8 times for April
per person / tell me at least 3 things you want more success in
I Will start and work it on my money altar along with all the jars i have set for this month
Thanks for participating
many blessings to you .