Money house blesser Super Candle-Bless your family home and Business .  Success abundance and prosperous paths .Financial blessings surrounding your  home, Family  and business .Tranquility - Majicden

Money house blesser Super Candle-Bless your family home and Business . Success abundance and prosperous paths .Financial blessings surrounding your home, Family and business .Tranquility

  • $12.00

6" loaded candles, fixed with herbs,oils and prayed over.

Bless your home and buiness with these beautiful customized candles made to order.every candle is done freshly by me to give you the best items to create and welcome in the best spiritual creating.

Bless you home with the feeling of financial security, abundance and wealthy, great for home business that need that extra income and surge of cash flowing in .

You will receive 1- fixed candle ,dressed with oils and herbs and prayed over

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Candle Works

I received my candle, and burnt it the same day. It came blessed and prayed over by Majic. All I’m going to say is this candle is working for me already. While burning this candle I prayed my own personal prayer. The flame was a very high steady flame. I let my candle burn all the way out on its own! Throughout the whole burn my flame remained steady and high! So I know the energy and prayer that Majic put into this candle for me is working! My home is so full of peace and tranquility! The feeling of financial security is no longer a doubt in my mind! I literally feel so blessed! This Candle is true to its name!
Thanks Majic