MAJIC PRAYER SERVICES-DAILY prayer set out to help ease you spiritually/ calm your nerve, and refresh your energy / can be set for family / kids or yourself

  • $15.00

My prayer service is for those of you that wish to have a candle lit on your behalf .

I will dress a 4 inch candle for you and light it with you prayer on my prayer altar .

Please include your name , dob and 1- sentence for your prayer for yourself or the individual 

**please don’t use this service to attempt to do evil, it’s not for your enemies or for anything negative -**

Leave details in the notes section.

-Email me if you have any questions about anything -

1- prayer will be done with 1 candle.

no run on sentences and please don’t ask for whats impossible , this is just a small prayer for you / family / kids or a friend you feel needs the additional prayers ans energy over 


Incorrect :

example: to win a million dollars in 24 hours 

prayers to make people banish / vanish / be destroyed 

prayer to make someone love you 

to reconcile your relationship and restore love, please order candles per situation 



✨This service is for a spiritual  prayer for yourself or family member who need to overcome a difficult station / clarity/ light and  guidance 

just name for person and dob is needed for prayer 

 prayers can be for yourself , loved ones or deceased and or for situations  you need some extra help spiritually moving .

this is not a repeated service. It’s a 1 time / 1 days service. Completed once candle is done

You must purchase a new prayer service for each prayer you want done in your behalf.


Thanks for your time and energy ✨

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T Lights....

A little something to keep a little light upon you. Gives a boost to your personal prayers. I also like to have them set occasionally on the behalf of my children.

Thank you

Thank you so much for service Provided.

Protective Group Service

Her firery protection group service keeps you protected. This service makes me feel protected from any negative energies and people. It keep you covered. I always feel like I’m untouchable when I get this service.

Cleansing Group Service

The cleansing group service is great! I try and other this group service as often as possible. It really helps keep me cleansed away from negative energies that others have. It keeps me feeling refreshed and uncluttered. I love her work.

Daily Spiritual Prayer

Anytime Majic posts the availability of these prayers i always order so I can get that extra boost of mind ease that I can. These always help me throughout my week. I love her work. 😊