MAJIC PRAYER SERVICES-DAILY prayer set out to help ease you spiritually/ calm your nerve, and refresh your energy / can be set for family / kids or yourself
My prayer service is for those of you that wish to have a candle lit on your behalf .
I will dress a 4 inch candle for you and light it with you prayer on my prayer altar .
Please include your name , dob and 1- sentence for your prayer for yourself or the individual
**please don’t use this service to attempt to do evil, it’s not for your enemies or for anything negative -**
Leave details in the notes section.
-Email me if you have any questions about anything -
1- prayer will be done with 1 candle.
no run on sentences and please don’t ask for whats impossible , this is just a small prayer for you / family / kids or a friend you feel needs the additional prayers ans energy over
Incorrect :
example: to win a million dollars in 24 hours
prayers to make people banish / vanish / be destroyed
prayer to make someone love you
to reconcile your relationship and restore love, please order candles per situation
✨This service is for a spiritual prayer for yourself or family member who need to overcome a difficult station / clarity/ light and guidance
just name for person and dob is needed for prayer
prayers can be for yourself , loved ones or deceased and or for situations you need some extra help spiritually moving .
this is not a repeated service. It’s a 1 time / 1 days service. Completed once candle is done
You must purchase a new prayer service for each prayer you want done in your behalf.
Thanks for your time and energy ✨