9 Day full service light -Obsession or Bewitching lights service Manipulate lover/ hold their energy and alter it with obsessive energy/ or bewitch them in a trance / under your control and possess them
You have a choice of either service , not both -
My Obsession light was created to pull your lover closer , keeping them all over you ,loving your touch ,scent , looks & beauty. Everything about you is something they can't get enough of, making you so irresistible to them they can't be without you . You make them feel whole and fulfill their days and nights. They want you so much they begin to not function
My bewitching lights are created to pull your lover so close to you he becomes mesmerized , sexually and emotionally to your every need. He can't get enough and won't get enough, keep him under you enchanted , making him feel as is he is u set a trance . Seeing you as the most beautiful person, in love with your smile and looks , he becomes like a child at the candy store wanting it all.
Set within 21 business days , Altar space and my availability can change this to longer times 30 days
Please wait for your report and photo there is a wait time for this as well
The difference is the obsession keep drive this man mad to your existence wanting you so much , following you, become crazed when you aren't at his side.
Bewitched is him more in a trance , adoring your every move and under you like a spell puppy , in love and happy Your the most beautiful thing he/she has seen , mesmerizing, stuck on stupid, enchanted by your energy, sexually connected , more playful lover, makes everything about you .
9 day lights service ,even though it’s a 9 day it will take longer to completely burn out(9-15 day) ; light will be set up on my altar, I will create the label, dress it , pray over it in the first night and it will be left to create energy and guidance .
full report will be included with finishing photo once it has been completed
Please email your full name , dob, and photo to